This picture book is a fun adventure that introduces 30 popular cats from around the world.
In an easy-to-understand way for children, each cat’s characteristics and personality are explained.
The main characteristics include the following points
1. diversity: The diversity of cats in terms of size, hair length, color, and patterns is introduced.
2. individual characteristics: describes the distinctive appearance of each cat breed, for example,
the Ragdoll’s blue eyes, the Maine Coon’s large stature, the Scottish Fold’s folded ears,
the Sphynx’s hairless body, etc.
3. personality descriptions: Each cat’s personality and behavioral characteristics are described
in terms that are easy for children to understand. For example, a Siamese is talkative, a Bengal is active, etc.
Visual description: The texture of the fur, eye color, body shape, etc. are described in detail
to help children visualize each cat. 5.
5. friendliness: All cats are referred to as “00-chan” or “00-kun” to create a friendly atmosphere.
Positive expressions: All cats are depicted with cheerful and happy impressions, such as “smiling”
and “looking happy.
7. depiction of behavior: Each cat’s favorite games and characteristic behaviors are introduced to
convey the individuality of the cat breed.
8. origin and historical background: For some cats, their names and characteristics provide a glimpse
into their origin and historical background.
9. anthropomorphism: The characteristics of cats are explained by comparing them to human personalities
and behaviors to help children understand them.
10. educational element: Through the diversity of cats, the content fosters respect for individuality
and love for animals.
1. 多様性:大きさ、毛の長さ、色、模様など、ネコの多様性を紹介しています。
2. 個性的な特徴:例えば、ラグドールの青い目、メインクーンの大きな体格、
3. 性格描写:それぞれのネコの性格や行動特性を、子どもが理解しやすい言葉で
4. 視覚的描写:毛並みの質感や目の色、体型などを詳しく説明し、子どもたちが
5. 親しみやすさ:すべてのネコを「〇〇ちゃん」「〇〇くん」と呼び、親しみやすい
6. ポジティブな表現:すべてのネコが「にこにこ笑顔」「うれしそう」など、
7. 行動の描写:各ネコの好きな遊びや特徴的な行動を紹介し、その猫種の個性を
8. 原産地や歴史的背景:一部のネコについては、その名前や特徴から原産地や
9. 擬人化:ネコの特徴を人間の性格や行動に例えて説明することで、子どもたち
10. 教育的要素:ネコの多様性を通じて、個性の尊重や動物への愛情を育む内容
Welcome to an imaginative adventure! This enchanting ABC picture book is specially designed for 5-year-olds to learn the alphabet while having fun.
Each page features a delightful and unique sentence that uses words beginning with each alphabet letter, creating interesting situations that pique children’s curiosity. From ants to zebras, various animals embark on unexpected adventures and find themselves in situations that will bring smiles to young faces.
The use of rhymes and alliteration helps children naturally feel the rhythm of words, making them easier to remember. Additionally, each sentence is accompanied by fun illustrations, making the content visually engaging as well.
Through this book, children will:
1. Learn the order and sounds of the alphabet
2. Expand their vocabulary
3. Stimulate their imagination
4. Experience the joy of wordplay
5. Discover the pleasure of reading
It’s perfect for parents and children to read together, discussing each page and even creating their own stories. This book is based on the educational philosophy of learning through play and will be an excellent tool for promoting children’s language development.
Let’s embark on a fun adventure to learn the ABC’s! With this book, children will quickly discover how enjoyable learning can be.
After learning the legend of a forgotten fairy city, the heroine investigates ancient maps and lore to find it. Determined to gather her friends and embark on a dangerous adventure, she finds the entrance to the city. They succeed in breaking through the magical wards and entering the city. The city is in ruins and the fairies have lost their power. The heroine meets the leader of the fairies and proposes to rebuild the city. She and her friends explore the city, gather resources, and bond with the fairies. They embark on a journey to overcome difficulties in order to find the source of magic. Interact with fairy tribes and magical creatures and use their magical powers to restore the city and regain fairy power. Uncover the secrets and mysteries hidden in the city, and the heroine’s magical powers give hope to the fairies. Together with their friends, they succeed in rebuilding the city against the forces of evil, and the fairies regain their hope and pride. The heroine decides to pass on the story and legend of the rebuilding of the city to future generations, and sets off on a new adventure with her friends. As the success of the rebuilding of the city spreads to the surrounding areas, the heroine and the fairies part ways, promising to go their separate ways.
感謝祭の日にエルフの女の子と子猫 – 感謝の気持ちを共有するエルフの女の子と子猫が特別な日を過ごす様子。
エルフと子猫の優しいひととき – 二人が穏やかな時間を共にする、心温まるシーン。
灯籠と子猫 – 灯籠の光の中、子猫が遊ぶ魅力的な瞬間。
こっち向いて! – エルフの女の子が子猫に呼びかける楽しい場面。
もうすぐお家に着くからね – 安心と期待に満ちた家路のシーン。
猫のいる風景 – 子猫が冬の風景に溶け込む様子を捉えたイラスト。
ほっとかないで!! – 子猫の構って欲しいという愛らしい表情。
遺跡と望遠鏡 – 遺跡を探検し、望遠鏡で星を眺める冒険的なエピソード。
囲炉裏に集まれ! – 囲炉裏を囲んで暖を取る温かい場面。
焼き芋焼いても家焼くな! – 焼き芋を楽しむ中でのドタバタとユーモア。
こんな時代だから、手紙で – 手紙を介して感情を伝える感動的な瞬間。
冬が来る前に! – 冬の到来を前に準備をする慌ただしいが楽しい時間。
鍋パーティ with ネコ – エルフと子猫が楽しむ温かい鍋パーティー。
文化の日ってなに? – 文化の日にちなんだエルフと子猫の学びと発見。